Saturday, November 24, 2007

Excuse me, why are you talking Hindi to me, do I look Indian???

If I only had a dollar for every time someone asked Johanna, "What part of India are your from?" or just started talking Hindi. During our trip to Delhi and Agra, it was even more prevalent. Just about everyone we came in contact with including drivers, guides and not to mention most of the locals. The funny thing was that she wasn't even wearing one of the Indian outfits she bought here.

The funniest episode was on the train from Agra. Johanna was having trouble with here seat. The kind gentleman behind her started explaining to her in Hindi. I did all I could to not laugh looking at the blank look on Johanna's face. Then there was the guy sitting at the table next to ours in the restaurant. He proceeded to ask Johanna in Hindi which part of India she was from. Our guide quickly came to rescue.

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